ECRRS - European Center for Risk & Resilience Studies

The Dynamics of Indemnity Insurance

Evidence from Danish Municipalities

  • The Dynamics of Indemnity Insurance

  • Evidens from Danish Municipalities

  • Indemnity property insurance, a fundamental component of comprehensive risk management and mitigation strategies, plays a pivotal role across various sectors, including public administration. Within the distinctive landscape of Danish municipalities, indemnity insurance emerges as an indispensable instrument that serves as a financial safety net against potential losses resulting from unforeseen adverse events.

  • This research project has received official approval and is scheduled to commence on January 1, 2024. Its primary objective is to embark on a comprehensive exploration of the intricate dynamics surrounding indemnity property insurance within Danish municipalities. By delving deep into this multifaceted domain, the research endeavors to shed light on aspects of indemnity insurance that have often remained unexamined. The insights gleaned from this investigation hold the potential to offer invaluable guidance to policymakers, municipal administrators, and stakeholders within the insurance industry.

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